Child custody

Williamson County TX Family Lawyer
Child custody, Divorce, Family Law

Can Children Express Their Preferences in Texas Custody Proceedings?

Posted by admin on April 1, 2019

In Texas, child custody hearings allow each parent to present their case to the judge. The purpose of the hearing is to determine which parent is more suitable for the child and can provide the healthiest living environment. The judge renders their decision after evaluating each parent, their annual income, and the findings of a […]

Divorce Attorney in Round Rock Texas
Child custody, Divorce, Family Law

Is Collaborative Divorce a Good Choice?

Posted by admin on March 14, 2019

Where collaborative divorce is concerned, Texas has been a leader since 1991. Since that year, Texans have had the ability to avoid public, contentious divorce, and instead, reconcile their differences in a more cooperative environment. While it’s a great choice for many of the state’s couples, it’s not right for everyone. Read on to learn […]

What is an unfit parent in Texas?
Child custody, Divorce, Family Law

How to prove a Parent is ‘unfit’ to care for their Children

Posted by admin on January 14, 2019

One of the most heated battles in a family courtroom is when the custody of a child hangs in the balance. However, when custody is given to one parent, it doesn’t mean that there will not need to be modifications in the future. Everyone heads down different paths in life, and there may come a […]

Cedar Park and Round Rock Guardianship Attorney
Child custody, Divorce, Guardianship

How does guardianship work in Texas?

Posted by admin on October 15, 2018

A guardianship is a legal status that allows a the guardian to make important decisions for another person, also known as the ward. A guardianship over a person allows the guardian to make decisions about the ward’s medical treatment, living situation and education. A guardianship over an estate allows the guardian to manage the ward’s […]

A young girl listening to her divorcing parents argue about child custody
Child custody

How Does a Judge Decide Custody?

Posted by admin on September 17, 2018

Parents are always encouraged to settle their differences in the best interests of any children without involving the court system. When this is impossible, the decision will be made by a judge. Many factors are involved, and a number of solutions can be considered. Our Round Rock Child Custody Lawyers at The Jackson Law Firm […]

Children are often affected by Child Custody Decisions made due to the lack of a professional lawyer
Child custody

How is Child Custody Decided in a Divorce?

Posted by admin on July 10, 2018

Child custody is granted by the court during a divorce. There are two options for child custody -joint and sole. In joint custody, both parents have equal rights in the child’s physical and legal decision-making. When sole custody is granted, only one parent makes the decisions. Physical custody includes the day-to-day activities and where the […]

Father on a hill with 2 children
Child custody

How can a father win full custody in Round Rock?

Posted by admin on June 22, 2018

As a single father, there is nothing that you want more than full custody of your child. You want to do more than pay child support. You want to be your son or daughter’s main support system. You want to know that your little one is safe and sound under your roof, the peace of […]

What is an unfit mother considered as in Cedar Park and Round Rock Texas.
Child custody

What is an unfit mother?

Posted by admin on June 11, 2018

Bad Parenting Being a parent isn’t easy, and you must always put your child’s best interests first. Below is an infographic with information on what an unfit mother is considered as; For more information on our Round Rock Family Law Attorney, please visit our site.

What is an unfit mother considered as in Cedar Park and Round Rock Texas.
Child custody, Family Law

What is an unfit mother considered as?

Posted by admin on June 8, 2018

Legally, what constitutes an unfit mother varies from state to state. Depending on local family law, the same evidence and conditions may lead to entirely different conclusions, which is why you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the exact laws of your state. Here is an introduction to the definition of an unfit mother in Texas. […]

Child custody

How does child support work when you have 50/50 custody?

Posted by admin on February 12, 2018

Most courts agree that a child benefits from a strong relationship with both parents after a divorce. For this reason, there is a growing trend of 50/50 custody agreements. So how does this affect child support? Most states, Texas included, do not have very clear guidelines as to how child support works with 50/50 custody. […]