Estate Planning

How can an estate planning lawyer help me?

Posted by admin on November 27, 2017

If you are serious about your will or trust, then you need to hire the services of an experienced estate planning lawyer from Jackson Law Firm. An estate planning attorney understands the importance of making sure that your will or trust is properly worded, drafted and signed. Here are three key reasons why you should hire an estate planning lawyer to draft all your estate planning documents.

i. The complexity of the State laws

The various state laws are specific on who can and cannot be in a trust or will. These laws also dictate who can act as a trustee or personal representative and what formalities must be followed when signing a trust, will or power of attorney. Hiring an estate planning attorney from Jackson Law Firm will ease the process of coming up with a will or trust. This professional will guide you through the process and ensure that all your estate planning documents are in compliance with the State laws.

ii. Without an estate planning lawyer, you risk committing serious and costly mistakes

As stated above, coming up with an estate plan is a complicated affair which can not be left to chance. You should not try doing it yourself. There is so much that is involved in coming up with an estate plan that will hold in court. Your attempts to bypass hiring an estate planning attorney can backfire on you when your loved ones come to discover that the estate plan you left behind is not legally enforceable. Why subject your loved ones to such stresses? Get it right the first time.

iii. An estate planning attorney can help resolve complex family arrangements

If you are in any of the following situations, an estate planning lawyer can help:

• You have children from previous marriage.
• Your children are minors
• Your beneficiary is disabled
• You own serial or multiple businesses.
• You have property in different states

Parting shot:

If any of the above situations apply to you, then you need to consider hiring an estate planning lawyer from Jackson Law Firm who will help you come up with an estate plan to manage your estate effectively. Contact us today and let us discuss how we can help you.

For more information click here

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